What do the double front somersault, Switch 720 and freestyle backflip have in common?

If you’re like me, any of these stunts would earn you a one-way ticket to six months in a full body cast, compliments of “questionable extreme sports decisions”. Instead, you watch in amazement as skilled platform divers, skiers and motocross champs perform incredible athletic feats of balance and precision. As Steven Kotler investigates in his book, “The Rise of the ... Read More

Is Your Life a Tinder Fire, a Campfire or a Bonfire?

Is Your Life a Tinder Fire, a Campfire or a Bonfire?
It’s been said that someone who doesn’t read might as well be illiterate—he’s no better off than the man who can’t. In the same way, neglecting your natural talents denies your friends, family, colleagues and, most importantly, yourself, from achieving your full potential. Let’s break this down.

How Much Time Do You Have Left?

Does this infographic startle you? An entire year in traffic? Six years of cooking, cleaning, and chores? And, the real mind-crusher: nine years watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Web. Ouch… Our limited time on earth is certainly filled with many “must do’s” like eating, sleeping, work. In education parlance these are our “core curriculum” courses. Gotta eat, gotta sleep ... Read More

3 Damaging Myths of Personal Development and What It Means to You Today

Three Damaging Myths of Personal Development
In his best-selling book “Go Put Your Strengths to Work,” Marcus Buckingham outlines three damaging myths that hamper our growth and ability to achieve excellence. Why are these myths so prevalent? More importantly, how do we confront these myths, embrace the truth and start improving ourselves today?

Had your coffee yet? You may not need it after the jolt from this study. 

Unhappy Employees Outnumber Happy Ones by Two to One Worldwide Still too sleepy to click? Ok, go fire up the Keurig. We’ve got this. –only 13% of worldwide workers feel engaged in their jobs. Ouch. –63% are “not engaged” in their work. Clock in, clock out, assemble 99 widgets, punch psychological time card, get pay check, repeat. Ouch, Part II. –Even ... Read More

Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0—The What, Why and How

The What, Why and How of Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0
What was the last project you enjoyed so much that you lost track of time completing it? Did the final result thrill and impress your co-workers, your boss and maybe even yourself?  If you answered “yes” to these two questions, there is a good chance you were using one or more of your natural talents. Here is why that’s important.

Welcome To StrengthsLauncher

Welcome to StrengthsLauncher! Life is short and you are unique. To all those seeking to get the most out of your natural talents, welcome. We hope you find this blog informative, inspiring and perspective-changing. We live and breathe to help you discover, grow and focus your natural talents to achieve your goals. Please let us know how we can help ... Read More