2015–The Year Talent Management Strategy Changes

2015--The Year Talent Management Strategy Changes
If best-selling talent specialist Marcus Buckingham and HR thought leader Jason Averbook prevail, talent management will look very different and vastly improved compared to 2014. In a recent thought-provoking webinar (now posted for all here), Buckingham and Averbook urged viewers to get ahead of five key fast-moving trends to better engage their organization’s talent. Not only are these trends currently changing the ... Read More

New Year’s Resolutions: “Yes, No or Absolutely Not?…”

new years resolutions
Actually, how about “Absolutely, Yes.” Think of it this way. If you can commit to making it through a month or two doing something to improve your life, why not? As we know, studies show fulfilling a resolution for an entire year is rarely achieved. An entire year is definitely a big commitment. However…if you pick one or two goals and achieve ... Read More

3 Things I Learned from Mr. Fluff

Three things I learned from Mr. Fluff
As the owner of an 80 pound super lab, I enjoyed this short article by Aaron Hamburger, “How My Dog Makes Me a Better Traveler” via Matador Network. Hamburger highlights how “Mr. Fluff,” his 5-year-old Pomeranian, has blessed him with a different perspective on travel and life. My favorite takeaways:

3 Things I Learned from the Timely Life of Aaron Dennison

Aaron Lufkin Dennison, watchmaker pioneer and 19th century business innovator, was recently highlighted on Steven Johnson’s super cool show, “How We Got To Now.” Dennison’s ability to take two different elements and combine them with a slight twist is an excellent example for all who seek to innovate and practice design thinking.

3 Things I Learned from the Short Life of Miro Rys

I confess I had never heard of soccer sensation Miro Rys until this article in the Wall Street Journal. However, I was struck by his story of talent, success and maturity. Tragically, he never saw his 21st birthday, but three things stood out to me about his brief life.

Is Your Definition of Entrepreneurship the Same as Gallup’s?

Is Your Definition of Entrepreneurship the Same as Gallup's?
According to “Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder,” Gallup defines entrepreneurship as “the art of turning an idea into a customer.” I think Bezos, Ford and Drucker would probably agree. With technology changing how we work and live more rapidly than ever before, our need to harness entrepreneurial talent is urgent. Jim Clifton, Gallup Chairman, concisely presents the high stakes of getting our country’s entrepreneurial act ... Read More