World of Work — Q3 2024 — StrengthsLauncher

Photo credit: blocks via Unsplash - Strengthslauncher World of Work Q3 2024

Funny how our information loops change over time.

Tastes shift. Interest levels peak or dip. Web sites we once valued are bought, sold, evolve, devolve or even cease to exist.

I recently revisited several old bookmarked sites I haven’t viewed in a long time.

One of the favorites is “Every Noise At Once”. If you’re passionate about music, you’ll find it fascinating.

Launched 10 years ago, the site was designed to dynamically map all of the major genres of music in the world. FWIW, they’ve recognized at least 6,129 genres.

Check it out.

And, while you do, consider the unique ways our own talents might scatter plot at work or home this week.

How can you fuse two seemingly unrelated talents—just as one might creatively fuse two genres of music—to create a unique result this week?

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