Getting Employee Engagement right may feel impossible these days. As soon as you address one issue, three more jump to the surface.
In contrast, despite the massive worldwide disruptions over the past two years, we can take steps to recapture lost ground.
With this in mind, check out Gallup’s latest research on employee engagement trends, “U.S. Employee Engagement Slump Continues”.
TL;DR mode?
Hint: We’re slipping.
Yet, as research shows, the benefits for business units with top-quartile employee engagement are dramatic.
These benefits include:
• 23% increase in profitability
• 10% increase in customer loyalty/engagement
• 18% increase in productivity (sales)
• 81% decrease in employee absenteeism
• 64% decrease in safety incidents (accidents)
• 41% in quality (defects)
Does your organization have a defined employee engagement plan?
If the answer sounds like “Well…kind of.” That’s ok. You’re not alone.
However, what would it look like if your organization took one step towards each of the “What You Can Do” tips from the article above?
While the process looks different for everyone, you can always start the journey today.
If you would like to discuss how improved employee engagement can help your team, please send us an email and say hello.
We’d love to help you recapture, refine or even launch your team’s best journey through the durability of strengths and intentional employee engagement.
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