We’re 99 days into 2021. Are you using your strengths daily or has your momentum faded since you sang Auld Lang Syne in January?
Give yourself five minutes, grab a pen and piece of paper. Jot down where you are and where you want to be. Write down one thing you can begin doing and one thing you can stop doing to make that happen. Do both for seven days.
Your April 15 just got a lot better…
As we continue turning our talents into strengths in 2021, here are three articles that caught my eye:
I’ve always enjoyed Howard Gardner’s exploration of Multiple Intelligences. Worth a 2 minute read to update yourself on the concept and even self-assess.
Harvard Psychologist Types of Intelligence — CNBC
Workers are re-thinking their purpose. This includes the kind of work they do. Also, millenials are 3 times as likely to report they’re evaluating their work life.
Help You Employees Find Their Purpose—Or Watch Them Leave — McKinsey
Props to the entire country of Ireland. Is it just too smart or does it just make too much sense? Both. Well done.
This Country Just Gave Workers the ‘Right to Disconnect’ — TechRepublic
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