Harvey Can’t Mess With Texas And Talent Theme Dynamics

In response to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, Willie Nelson and the Rebuild Texas Fund produced a once in a lifetime “Harvey Can’t Mess With Texas” benefit concert to help those affected by the costliest tropical cyclone in United States history. Paul Simon, James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, Lyle Lovett, Jimmie Vaughan, Leon Bridges and many other standout artists performed almost ... Read More

How Dan Ariely Turned Tragedy Into Discovery

The Fire and The Aftermath At 17, Dan Ariely, Duke Psychology professor and best-selling author, was badly injured in a magnesium fire at a graduation ceremony in Israel. 70% of his body was covered with burns. As anyone can imagine, severe burn rehabilitation treatment is intensely painful. The process involves enduring a daily soaking bath, removal of bandages and the ... Read More

Two Questions You Must Answer Today

How you answer two simple questions will lead you down two very different paths in your career. The first path is filled with growth, clarity and fulfillment. The second path is a thorn-filled trail of misused time and energy. 1) Is there someone (at work or school) who encourages your development?  2) Do you have the opportunity to do what you ... Read More

Are You Fully Charged?

Folks get pretty excited here at StrengthsLauncher when Tom Rath writes a new book. If you haven’t yet picked up his latest (“Are You Fully Charged?”), here are a few jewels from WellBeing, another one of our favorites from Rath.

Mastering the Light Saber — Why You Need a Coach [1 of 3 Part Series]

why you need a coach
Socrates coached Plato. Plato coached Aristotle. Obi-Wan coached Luke. The first two helped invent western philosophy. The third rocked a sweet brown hoodie, was a legendary Jedi Master and mentored the peace keeper of the galaxy, ‘ol Luke Skywalker. So, stop and think: Who is your trusted sounding board on these important decisions? Who is helping you grow and focus your talents ... Read More

One Game, Two Coaches–Super Bowl XLIX

Bill Belichick
Same Subject, Different Treatment The late Roger Ebert once gave this bit of foundational film criticism insight: “It’s not what a movie is about; it’s how it is about it.” In other words, the subject matter is one thing, but the treatment of it is another thing entirely. The “how” of a film is what gives the film its meaning, its ... Read More

Carroll and the Seahawks: Relationship-Based Coaching

Today’s the big day. Millions of viewers, millions of dollars and millions of hours of preparation collide to determine this season’s Super Bowl winner. How did these two final teams–the Seahawks and the Patriots–make it to the world’s biggest stage for the NFL’s biggest game? What do these teams do differently from the competition? Do they simply possess more raw ... Read More

2015–The Year Talent Management Strategy Changes

2015--The Year Talent Management Strategy Changes
If best-selling talent specialist Marcus Buckingham and HR thought leader Jason Averbook prevail, talent management will look very different and vastly improved compared to 2014. In a recent thought-provoking webinar (now posted for all here), Buckingham and Averbook urged viewers to get ahead of five key fast-moving trends to better engage their organization’s talent. Not only are these trends currently changing the ... Read More